The aloe vera Crystal  is colorless and jelly-like in appearance, which is obtained from the leaf of the plant
The aloe vera crystal is rich in antioxidants and offers attributes such as reducing constipation, improving skin, accelerating the healing of wounds, minimizing dental plaque and lowering blood sugar levels
Helps to coagulate: this benefit of aloe vera is due to its calcium, potassium and cellulose content that allows the formation of fibers. In this way it helps to fight against varicose veins.
Protects hair: regarding the benefits of aloe vera and hair, we must emphasize that it is a great ally against alopecia, dandruff and seborrhea since its active ingredient aloin acts as a hair revitalizer
Regulates glucose levels: Aloe vera emphasizes the hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering activity of the endocrine system and, in addition, it also controls blood cholesterol
It favors digestion: Can be a great ally for those who suffer from constipation, since it acts as a mild laxative and exercises intestinal activity. On the other hand, it also takes care of the stomach and intestinal walls internally to avoid irritations or ulcers.
Protects the skin: thanks to its moisturizing and healing properties, aloe vera allows us to protect our skin from the sun by acting as a sunscreen. In addition, it also hydrates and soothes irritations. What it does is stimulate the production of collagen and in turn that of elastin fibers in the skin.
Helps take care of the gums: surprisingly, aloe vera and its properties act inside the mouth, since being antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial, it eliminates bacteria and controls plaques. In addition, it also controls mouth ulcers and sores.
Helps to heal: Among the uses of aloe vera we highlight that of being a great cosmetic. Thanks to its antioxidant and moisturizing properties, aloe vera allows us to restore our skin from scars, bites, or even stretch marks.
Relieves pain: its analgesic and inhibitory properties allow aloe vera to have benefits regarding the control of pain and discomfort. What it does is block the peripheral nerve fibers in such a way that they do not allow discomfort to pass. Aloe vera also produces salicylic acid, which contains a great anti-inflammatory capacity.
Helps prevent wrinkles: aloe vera acts as a natural anti-wrinkle because it hydrates and anesthetizes skin tissue. In addition, its minerals and vitamins stimulate the production of new cells and expel bacteria.
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